Almost ten years ago our mobile therapy practice was limited to superficial x-ray treatments of skin cancers. It wasn't long before we found out how essential treating patients at nursing homes or at their place of residence really was. We also used our unique experience to improve our mobile units building six mobile units to serve all of South Florida. Driving down to Key West from our Fort Lauerdale based office was worthwhile to provide patients with treatments they could not receive locally.
Our practice was growing rapidly to fill in the gaps between cancer centers. That's why five years ago the construction of the world's first Mobile HDR Treatment Unit was set to start. It was the logical a progression for mobile radiation therapy. We have been using the mobile unit successfully for over three years now and have outdone ourselves with our latest innovation in mobile radiation therapy.
For more than two years we have been designing our new Mobile HDR Treatment Unit to be production ready. Basing our design on our unique and practial experience we have designed and built a truck that can perform more than just skin cancer treatments. We are now capable of treating, in addition to skin cancers, many breast cancers, and even some gynecological cancers. Our latest design lends itself to expansion for performing more complex treatments and adapting to new radiation therapy technologies.
Our History of Mobile Therapy
Our experience over the past 10 years of mobile radiation therapy has given us the knowledge to provide effective mobile units and has proven that mobile radiation therapy is convenient, reliable, and cost effective. We began treating skin cancers with superficial x-ray units before pioneering mobile HDR radiation therapy 3 years ago.
Radiation Therapy
High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDR) is a time tested and safe method that allows physicians to treat cancer with greater precision and less trauma to the patient. As a result, this course of treatment is much shorter and more comfortable than other cancer treatments, and is often performed on an outpatient basis.